Here is a list of various eBay stores I have found, that have useful stuff for good prices. Each store block has the seller name, link to it, location of it, a short description and some keywords about what you might find there. Also, I’ve added a small comment about the seller if I have used his/hers services. In addition the time it took for the item to arrive (to Estonia).
Seller name: newdeparture2010
Store link:
Location: China
Description: I find this shop very useful specially for connectors, all kinds, good prices.
Keywords: connectors, fuses, LEDs, 1117 series voltage regulators, ARM MCUs
Comment: I ordered some pinheads from this seller and received them just in 2 weeks
Shipping time: ~10 days
Seller name: yayaya168
Store link:
Location: China
Description: Wide selection of tact switches, nothing more of interest to me though…
Keywords: tact switch
Comment: I bought some tact switches there, good quality, solid click on pushing, maybe too hard even, anyway quite happy with them, also reasonable shipping time.
Shipping time: 2-3 weeks
Seller name: surplusdealdude
Store link:
Location: Canada / US
Description: Sells plastics, teflon, nylon, UHMW, although shipping only available in USPS flavor. Might be useful someday…
Keywords: teflon, nylon, UHMW
Comment: Haven’t bought anything…
Shipping time: ?
Seller name: sunpec
Store link:
Location: Hong Kong
Description: Sells nice resistor, capacitor kits. All kinds of resistors, capacitors, leds, button batteries etc etc… Wide selection, although lots of parts in non-SMD form…
Keywords: resistors, capacitors, kits, leds, button batteries, panel meters, heatsinks
Comment: Haven’t bought anything… yet..
Shipping time: ?
Seller name: rfextra
Store link:
Location: US
Description: Sells array of RF products, all kinds of SMD inductors, reels and 100packs of SMD capacitors and resistors. The main reason for adding this store was the cheap selection of Voltage Controlled Oscillators. Shipping seems to be extra 3.5 / 7 bucks to Estonia… Reasonable..
Keywords: general RF stuff, RF amps, VCOs, inductors, voltage regulators, resistors, capacitors, diodes
Comment: Nothing yet…
Shipping time: ?
Seller name: mib_instruments
Store link:
Location: Hong Kong
Description: From electronic components to electric test equipment. Equipment manufactures include RIGOL, FLUKE, but also lot of noname stuff… Components aren’t the cheapest around I think, but test equipment seems quite reasonable…
Keywords: DSOs, multimeters, various electrical test equipment, tools, LCD modules, sensors, 170 value SMD resistor kits
Comment: None…
Shipping time: ?
Seller name: electronics_lee
Store link:
Location: Hong Kong
Description: Sells connectors, LCD modules with touch screen, camera modules, not much more..
Keywords: connectors, LCD + touchscreen, camera modules, ARM dev boards
Comment: Bought from him twice, added free tracking number both times. Not much more to say, nice seller.
Shipping time: ~3 weeks
Seller name: gordelux04
Store link:
Location: Russia
Description: Sells ancient Russian equipments, vacuum tube displays, nixies etc
Keywords: vacuum tubes, nixie, 1960-1990 Russian technology
Comment: I ordered some IV18 tubes for my VFD clock, quite awesome stuff actually, he also included a datasheet from 1990s, in Russian though…
Shipping time: ~3 weeks
Seller name: Ele-parts
Store link:
Location: China
Description: Has wide selection of ICs SMD and DIP and some other components, not much to say..
Keywords: ICs, voltage regulators, MOSFETs, crystal oscillators, inductors, capacitors, trimmers, resistor arrays,
Comment: None
Shipping time: ?
Seller name:
Store link:
Location: China
Description: Looks like the store offers a very wider variety of different LCD TFT displays etc
Keywords: LCD, TFT, Graphical
Comment: None, going to buy something soon.
Shipping time: ?
Seller name:
Store link:
Shipping time: